Root Words Within Me
Who inspired me to write?
Was it Edgar Allen Poe?
It was a man whose writings have lived on since many years ago
Verse, Prose, Iambic pentameter
Shakespeare was the best poet of his time and after his time
Line after line after line after line
Allowing the words of his plays to caress my mind
He wrote with such eloquence
Inspiring the youth of today, inspiring people to think of beautiful ways to say
I love you
Has transformed me into someone who is not afraid to speak their mind
People always say rude things sound better when they are sung, but right now I have you wrapped around the tip of my tongue by my flow
Of words that rhyme, or they may not
But they are words that come straight from my heart, mind, body and soul
Fingers bend and join the keyboard as one as I type, hit enter and send
Ok this rhyming has to end, ok now I’m done
But I’ll never be done with the expression of showing my true colors
Not being splattered across walls, but through the led scribbles on white lines
Not yelling “Here me, here me, here me” three times
Trying to get the attention of people to listen to
One little Ol’ me with a pencil
Naturally gravitate towards my message, so I know you’re really listening
Get caught in the orbit of syllables
I have finally found a way to let my caged bird sing
Do you hear the song?