The Room
The walls pink like roses
painted with a garden full of daisies and tulips
The carpet soft as cotton
Barbie dolls and bouncy balls.
The closet, huge as a house,
stuffed with toys that her Mom said to put away
She went there to pout when she didn’t get her way.
The TV, big and all the rage
plays her favorite Disney movie inside the VCR.
The bed, yellow as the sun
Holds her as she dreams childish dreams
She curled up between the sheets, shut her eyes, and wished she was a grown up.
The walls dark as night
spread with posters of rock stars
The carpet thick like wool
Torn jeans and worn tees
The closet, small as a shoebox,
crammed with short skirts and high heels
She went there to cry when the boy broke her heart.
Her speakers, holding her iPod
plays the new song by her favorite rock band.
The bed sheets black as death, and red like blood,
strewn with homework with incomprehensible words she wishes she understood and fashion magazines with artificial people she wishes she looked like.
She curls up between the sheets, shuts her eyes, and wishes for a time machine.