road rage
what is the hurry
driving from one destination
to another
is it that serious
to be so exasperately angry
that recklessly cut in front of drivers
how many times
repeatedly you see people texting
while they're driving
pay attention to the road way
instead, they develop road rage
angry of what was text
next thing you know
you hit a pedestrian
you act tough at the moment
when you realize
you kill somebody
you run like a coward
isn't it amazing to see someone yelling at someone
on the phone while they're driving
here's a suggestion
wear an ear piece
so that way
you don't hit a young girl
whose dream was to be an aspiring actress
her life was taken
all because you were arguing about
who needed to pay this month's bills
what is the point
in having a combat moment
with a cyclist
all the distraught lead to you
jumping in front of the curb
and smashing into a young lady's leg
that may/may not be amputated
the sad part is
in all of these cases
it's alot of hits and runs
you hit somebody
you run like a coward
it's the whole indifferent mindset
of i don't care attitude
you say that now
let's see
if you say the same thing
if your mother were to get hit by a car
and her face was highlighted
on the daily news's 3rd page
what would you say then?