Simply Amazing
• If I never get the chance to sing to her, I'd probably never sing again.
• To know that because of her that I have this gift, is an honor in itself.
• Although, I'd give it back had i known it'd bring me such guilt.
• I know that she's been waiting. She's been waiting for years.
• I haven't any strength left to fight back these tears.
• I wish I had a song!
• My God, I wish I had a song to sing!
• Just to bring joy to her heart.
• The same joy that her smile brings to me.
• Oh forgive me oh Lord, for I know not what to do.
• I haven't a note nor a tune for her to rock to.
• Not a melody or a hymn that she can hum along to.
• Dear God, if you can hear me i want to make a request...
• I know I ask for a lot but I promise I'll ask less.
• I just need you to sing through me into her ears.
• Let her hear the Symphony of Heaven; make her cry real tears.
• Snatch her soul up with your song, dumbfound and amaze me.
• To her, hearing me sing would be simply amazing.
This poem is about:
My family
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: