Remus and Romulus
Walk into this luminous Haze
Howl into this starlit night
Growl in the clutches of Ebony
Primal instincts and thoughts surge through your mind
Attraction grows from beneath and within
Carnage burns in your eyes and releases in the flick of these crimson stained claws
Your vision blurs
Your head careens
Faint spells, dizziness swells
Your body sways, twists, and turns in ecstacy
You prowl and lunge
The only effort to find what you want
To ensnare what you need
You pray for the chance to succeed
Curse for a reason to believe
You snarl and whine
The gasps of exhaustion
The grunts of exasperation
The moans of desperation
Let this emotion exist
Let this feeling flourish
Develop a new idea
Think beyond your capacity
Act beyond your expectations
Dethrone usurpers and lost monarchies
Revive those who suffer with guilt and explored this world with Eve
Defile those innocent creations that derived themselves from original sin
Discover what you deserve
Preserve what you found
Bury it underground
Recover it, recollect it, and reminisce in retrospect
Find euphoria in the arms of Remus and Romulus
The original creation in lustful, and sinful damnation