A Reminder From Heaven


United States
42° 26' 47.0904" N, 85° 34' 54.4476" W

Don’t believe lies that the world whispers in your delicate ears,
Let society’s opinion die and keep the truth near to your heart.
The world compares you; I admire you
The world sets limits; I say that you can fly
The world degrades you; I build you up to be extravagant
They says you are unattractive, but I only create beauty
The world judges you; I accept you
The world holds grudges but I have everlasting forgiveness
The world labels you; I say you’re above it all
The world says you're an outcast; I say you belong.
The world brings confusion; I give clarity
They world makes you doubt; I say have faith
The world makes you worry; I give you peace
You may feel unsafe but I wrap you in my arms
The world creates tears; I create laughter
The world makes you feel ashamed; I say you have the strength move on
The world puts up walls; I knock them down
You may feel tired, but I give you energy
You may feel sick, but through me you’re healed
The world brings hurt, pain and regrets, but I use it to make you stronger and wiser
The world degrades you to be poor; through me you have riches
The world is selfish; I say have love for others
The world is full of unfortunate events; I create miracles
The world steals, kills and destroys but through me you have a satisfying life
The world is everything I’m not and I am nothing like the world
The world is temporary; I AM FOREVER.


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