Relive The Past

It's crazy how the person you grew up with is no longer with you
You use to play sports together,play video games,spend a night at each other house
And now he's buried 6ft under in the ground
Why can't we just stay in the past
Because the past didn't give you any heartache
Because the present is giving me more pain that I can't even explain
How can you move on knowing you don't have your son anymore or your cousin or your nephew or anyone who were close to you
Why do we have to grieve,because it hurt so bad
In the past...I didn't have to grieve because I had my grandma,I had my cousin,I didn't lose anyone
But now I'm walking with a half heart 
Because the other half flew in the sky
And now I'm stuck here asking why
Do we live to die?
If so, it doesn't make sense
Or maybe it does,but I just don't understand it
I look up in the sky thinking maybe I will see my grandma and cousin face
But I don't, they are really gone
They say you will meet again soon
But how do you know
In the past, I don't remember being this curious or hurt
I don't remember feeling like I don't have nothing else to do but to sit in the dark
Feeling like any day can be your last
Because in the past,you didn't think about that
If only I can take a few steps back and rewind
I wish I can relive my past


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