Religious Truth
We question the origin of things and look for scientific explanations
To justify and provide reasons to the start of our nation
It comes down to a significant simple story of creation
That has all the answers to our questions an established foundation
It takes listening ears, power of will and maybe patience
To realize the answer to all things is God
He is miraculously splendid, pleasant, merciful and of all loving
He brought his one and only son to demonstrate his tremendous love
The start of all things in nature reflects God, we just complicated everything
He gave simple and firm instruction to Adam and Eve which was disobeyed
Would life be different if the Forbidden Tree of good and evil remained untouched?
Sin would not exist only pure love and praise to Him
Humanity would have a chance to explore the perfect garden along with God
Things are so complicated and intricate now it’s not funny
Tons of philosophies in life were created for justification
To fill the void of the unknown and become far away from God
It has and will keep tearing nations and people apart forming wars
For those who know the truth accept the Lord for salvation and more
And only then, try their best to make the world a better place
Not all accept the Lord Jesus since they are buried in sins that are unheard of
Have you heard the news lately? How the world operates is insane I like to call social constructionism
It was all created and formed for order to follow
Are we following what God has mapped out for us? Last time I checked, the charts were deviated
What He planned and said was set in stone, though we are professional at alteration
Many of my questions are being answered and I only can trust in God
I want to receive him in my heart and prepare for my salvation through his word
This world may become inhabitable from all the destruction
His wrath will wipe out everything like a wave crashing onto a shore
Once upon a time, nations were destroyed because of all the sin and there was no other option to fix the problems
Nothing was left, desolation and maybe a vulture
I don’t want to be involved with that, do you?
I want eternal sleep with God as I am learning more I might have a clue