A regular day
I am thankful for having a car, when there are people who have to wake up awfully early to take a bus or walk miles and miles to get to work or school.
I am thankful for having a mom who cooks me delicious food, when there are children dying of hunger.
I am thankful for having a job, when there are people hanging themselves because of unemployment.
I am thankful for having a house, when there are people sleeping under bridges out in the open.
I am thankful for having both legs, when there are people who cannot run freely and feel the breeze of the air on their faces.
I am thankful for having both hands, when there are people who cannot feel the beauty of nature.
I am thankful for having you in my life, when there are people who live in fear.
I am thankful for everything you have given me, the good and bad, for I know there is a reason why.
I am thankful for being able to be inspired by you, by your kindness, by your forgiveness.
I am thankful for being your son, and proud to show it in my name.