Answer me my question please;
who is that person that I see,
looking out as darkness flees
looking back, just like me?
Tell me who that stranger is
who shares my face, but not my heart.
Tell me what her purpose is
when you can't even tell us apart.
That girl who loooks back from the glass
seems no more than a wandering thought,
slowly appearing in the glass
never feeling cold nor hot.
That reflected girl, so young, so kind,
is all that others see.
They never even try to find
the truth inside of me.
That girl whose ocean eyes stare back
will never truly be alive.
She the reflection of one whose heart seems black
whose entire being feels unalive.
Why must she torment me
even though she is not real?
She shows me what the others see,
she shows me what I do not feel.
Truth be told, I have one wish;
for her to show just what's inside
of a girl whose constant wish
is to be free, be wild, to never choose a side.
So now I hope just one last time
That for once I can look in the mirror
I will not hear the warning bells chim
saying that she is not me and I am not her.