If there was a “do over”,
No “game over” it meant
Nothing change I would
For I love who I am.
“What if” is a childish game
Of my little-chicken self.
Having a normal life,
With my father beside,
Used to be a wish,
I prayed every night.
But let assume it’s real.
In my “do over”,
I’ll have a father
With great memories:
He’ll teach me to talk;
He’ll walk me to school;
He’ll play me in pool.
That would be so cool!
Yet, here’s the trade –off:
The thought that I got
From fighting alone
Be strong I was taught
Plus wonderful moms I got
In school, in church, and at home
And that’s why I stop
Considering my “do over”.
For I love what I’ve made myself up
From not having a father:
A gentle and responsible man.