The reason love isn't real
(Mr.Minnesota)Luke-- Just when you find someone who gets you on a personal level, thats when you're left dangling over a pit of hungry sharks, a heart, bleeding...
(Mr.Michigan)Shayne-When he puts you in the "best female friend" zone, when he goes out with this girl, saying "now she's the one" while you hide behind the shadows, only coming out to help him clean his wounds, getting hurt more each time, but never knowing that you would'nt ever hurt him...
(Mr.Colorado)Chet, oh, chet-When you think, finally, he 's the one, he has to, he knows how IT is, how cruel the world is, who knows when you need comfort in the darkest of times..Whe you think he may the guy to spend the rest of your life with, and he says that to you as well, when you get grounded from your phone over a fued with your dads, and you have to talk to him on your best friend's phone, when your dad and BFF has to tell you he broke up with you for "reasons".. reasons you'll never know, when he drops you after 3 months, on the day you got together, 3 months later, when he was the longest relatinoship you had that didn't end because they wanted more, but instead, it ended because of "reasons".. When you realize it wasn't gonna work out anyways, cuz he was 17, you 15, and he lived in Colorado, you in Texas, when you finally give up on boys, cuz they just don't work...