Read as it unwrites itself
Frailty and peradventure, They tear at our hearts, And make us doubt all we know.
:ecquando novimus aliquid?
But if you're afraid, And you think I'll leave, Just remember this one thing:
:sicut male credunt semper ibi esse. im semper est.
What if I was nothing? What if my love was false? What if I was nothing to you?
:quid facerem, si nihil essem tibi?
You'd be broken and alone, With nothing left to hold on to.
:fractus et solus ut ceteri.
So don't be afraid, Don't let your fears control you.
:pugnare tenebris Cum i Cant pugnare pro vobis.
I love you, and I'll never leave you.
:vere ibi semper eras nobis?
We can make this work, I know we can.
:vos iustus have ut aliquid experior, in aliquo.
Every day we grow stronger, And our love becomes more real.
:taciturna tibi surripit.
So let's put our fears aside, And face the future together.
:nihil habes quod dicam?
We can do this, I know we can.
:adhuc mirum non est.
We're nothing, We're everything. We're whatever we want.
:tamen non refert ad te.
We're the two halves of a whole, And we're stronger together than we are apart.
:Dubium factus es in corde meo.
So let's not be afraid, Let's not let our fears control us.
:Debilitas aliquid et omnia sumus
I love you, and I'll never leave you.
:ut interficias hoc iam i cant accipere
We're everything.
:aut nihil sumus.