Poetry is art, beauty in motion
Soft to the ear like expensive hand lotion
words need to rhyme, not make sense
success will come, at somethings expense
Rap music and sonnets, similar in style
while one takes a second, another takes a while
a simple backbeat everyone loves
some silly lyrics involving doves
see rhyming is easy, no problem at all
look at me standing six feet tall
looking down on my fam all smaller than I
I'm scared one day I'm going to die
of something bland, rather than shocking
Deaths cocky way of simply mocking
that no matter how "fun" I think my life was
We'll all die the same, simply because
we share humanity and its fragility
and we ignore it like some normality
We're all the same, let's end the hate
Life should be shared, living as mates
I may be a dreamer or a sad optimist
but we shouldn't have to suffer at the hands of sadists
who rule the world from behind a screen
Social media's self-proclaimed kings and queens
Idolised by kids who don't love themselves
Screenshot their role models and place them on high shelves
Please love yourself, don't starve or vomit
You're worth so much more than some words in a sonnet
or a song or a rap or some idiots poem
Sorry for ranting for others like I know them
these words in my head and feelings in my heart
This isn't poetry, it's a sad excuse for art.