Rachel Reid
It's been going on for too long.
They say Rachel has the potential.
Is all I hear.
Rachel is talkative.
Rachel constantly voices her opinions.
Something they could never understand.
Is that a problem?
A regular teenager
Who goes to a regular highschool
Who has regular friends
And regular "highschool drama".
Love, Hatred, and Pleasurable moments
All mixed in four important years for a teenager.
A confused teenager at that.
Day by day, she gets up and goes to school.
Even on the days when she doesn't want to step foot into a building full of FAKE people.
She sees her friends, admirers, and the swollen bellies of girls who are due at any moment.
The generation I was born in.
We call ourselves the 90s babies.
I'm proud of that, but only to a certain extent.
The girls in my generation disgust me.
We think it's cute to walk around half naked in the streets
And wonder why boys don't give us the respect that we should be given.
It is what it is.
It never gets old.
Rachel however, is not included in this.
Rachel is her own person; with many apsirations.
Yet at 16, she could only do so much.
But that never stops her!
A young African American child
With hopes to be more than just an "African American child".
It's been going on for too long.
Rachel has more than just the POTENTIAL.
Rachel has what Rachel wants!