the quiet ones
keep your ears open
don't look too far
we're somewhere nearby
close enough you can hear us
if you'd listen
stop talking, if only
you'd just stop
we listen
it's all we ever do
we listen until your voice cracks
we listen until your face turns blue
because you've ran out of breath
and your words have stop coming
so then
we speak
and our thoughts finally pour out
words flowing like a rushing river
about to break the dam
you've worked so hard to build around us
to make sure
we don't say a thing
and when we do
our words are powerful
our sentences knock the wind
out of your lungs
and our phrases are carefully chosen
not wasted
or misused
we speak and you better listen
for all the times you spoke
and we sat silently
now it's our turn
but i'll give you this
this one truth
we don't like to argue
we'd rather watch and see
how things will turn out
so i'll give you this
without the noise
there can be no quiet
you can't have peace without chaos
so keep a balance
and listen
for us,
the quiet ones