Quick Fix
She tries to fix things.
Sometimes she'll look at the wall
And think it's too bare
And she'll gather up all her posters
And move them to that wall,
So that it could be filled.
So that it wouldn't be empty.
So that it would feel like
It was getting the attention of everyone
That walked in the room.
She did that with people too.
She took all of her love and her heart
She put them on other people's empty walls
She saw that they were bare
That they were looking for substance.
She took her posters of concern
And nailed them to their fears,
Erasing any last space for that darkness
To dwell.
She took her pictures of hope
And hammered them to their disappointment,
Encouraged by their smiles when
Her temporary changes
Seem to make permanent improvements.
But she was wrong.
Because every poster she put up
Came crashing down
In the middle of the night
Waking her into consciousness
That quick fixes never work
And she can't save everything.