Once Upon A Time...
There was a princess named Rapunzel
Born of a Black father and a White mother, Rapunzel was praised for her curly hair
Natural curls
Curls that were golden in the sun and light like the summer air
Little did any know that her hair allowed her to withstand the rough demands of the world
Rapunzel was a strong little girl
Even as a princess she was born into a world that could not understand
Double identity
Natural longevity
Subliminally hailed as a mistake when her
Existence was heavenly
Understanding the nature of Rapunzel
And dreading the day she'd realize she was a queen
A nasty old witch let out a swift scream, and she stole the young child and ran alongside the stream
To a tall, old tower with mountains it lie between
Here little Rapunzel grew
Believing the lies she was fed by the witch
Your style is "ghetto"
Your existence is a glitch
In the natural order
It shouldn't be this way
Your father and mother were fools to create
She watched as others unlike her were praised
She wondered
And decided to make herself a lie
Straighten your hair
Aim to be light
Maybe just maybe, then you'll look alright
The witch was pleased
Her plan was working
Cultural dances twisted and
Painted as twerking
Everything Rapunzel was
Was painted as wrong
Until eventually the young princess began to look through the fog
She saw her natural way
Twisted for those who were different
When they did it
They were "cool" and society was with it
Rapunzel began to think herself as she should
A princess-
No, a queen
And she started to feel good
With all this self love
She began to rebel
No more straightened hair
From her head those curls fell
They grew and they grew
Until they could not be contained
She took care of her hair
And out the window it hanged
One night Rapunzel decided to leave
When the witch went out
She was granted reprieve
Those curls she once hated
Turned out to be a gift
She tossed them down the tower
And her body weight it could lift
No longer weighed down by the ills of social construction
Her body felt light
Her mind was at ease
Her heart was real light
The witch came back to find her fettered princess gone
But even she knew Rapunzel was strong
Rapunzel now knew what she could be called
A Queen
Who was loved
A who'd clearly go far