Quality of Life
Waking up from a dream feeling all bubbly
While everyone else looks at the world humbly
I get out of bed everyday with the thought
That today and no later is the day that I ought
To make an impact in somebodys life
Somebody who may be going through strife
A simple hug, a smile, an open door
Kindness we should always have time for
I remember one night I cried about cancer
Spent hours and hours looking for an answer
Telling myself that one of these days
I will figure out how to stop all the pain
My plan is to one day become a nurse
Travel the world and reverse the curse
Of poverity, abuse, hunger and disease
And keep the world happy away from unease
One person can make a huge difference you know
Unleashing the greatest gift we bestow
The gift to stand up for what you believe
And that's what I think is so great about me