Pull Back The Curtain
The stories of the Greek Theatre
All hidden deep in the shadows of the backstage curtains
Comedies and tragedies
There isn't much of a difference between
Who you are and
Who you pretend to be
So you ask yourself,
"Is the mirror really lying to me?" or
"Is it me lying to the mirror?"
With this oh so fake perception of who you are
Along with these made-up stories of the scars you bear
Convering up the truth to make yourself out to be someone you arent
Fabricating the truth with pretty colors,
Bright pinks,
Vibrant blues, and
Blood reds
Have often been apart of your tragedies
But the only thing crippling you from being the "real" you is...
Your fear to be the best "you" you can be
Is your fear of your own capabilites,
Is the fear of judgement
Because yes,
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
And because no one seems to notice it
But you, you shy away from the real you
The "you" that you deserve to be
So its time to pull back that curtain!
And demand the attention of the world around you
And show them the you
That you love so deeply.
The weird you that laughs for no reason
The crazy you that has random anger spasms
The loving you that always seem to love too much and always ends up hurt that later
Turns into the emotional you that can cry in an instant but doesn't
Because the hard core you wont let you
But you can never seem to stay down for long
Before you're overpowered by the bubbly person you are
The one that enjoys hugs and giggles
So now its time...
To embrace my tradegies
Because never have I ever let it shine over the smiles my comedy has created
And never have I ever let it roar louder than the laughter my comedy caused
Because I have decided
To brighten the world
With the me, I deserve to be.