

Fourteen years old. Alone in a world that is so cold. The vodka tried to drown out her pain, along with the razors that danced across her veins. The pills never gave her the satisfaction, of becoming the funeral homes next attraction. She searched for love in all the wrong places, to try and fill the empty spaces. You see, she never really had a father. All he was, was a constant bother. Her mom finally left him, but the memories always would remain. Burned into her brain The source of her pain.  Twelve years old. A sad boy from such a nice home. He could never forgive the people of this town, for always doubting and putting him down. He had no friends, he had no obligations. So he found himself without any aspirations. All alone in this big old land, he finally found himself a friend. He sucked the smoke down his lungs, to make him feel like he belonged. He let the whole thing get out of control. He could never get the feeling that he was whole. You see now the plant runs his life, and the boy is still in constant strife. Out of money, out of faith the damaged boy only knew one game to play. He lit his pipe and soared away, from this broken down town, full of hate.  Sixteen years old. Such a sweet boy from a "picture perfect" home. He followed all the rules and done everything right, but still wondered why he couldn't sleep at night. Every Sunday he was forced to tag along, every Sunday he found more resentment toward his mom. Pretty soon he found himself taking back control. Pretty soon his mom hit an all time low. He started to make his own decisions, And then his mom reminded him to follow her religion. He just wanted to be his own person, but his mom said the church required his constant devotion. The boy who was raised to follow all the rules, Soon found himself slacking in school. Screams and pleads begged him back to the straight and narrow path, but he wanted to be free, despite all the aftermath.  Seventeen years old. He found himself without any hope. He locked himself inside his room. And inhaled smoke from a pipe until he turned blue. No matter how much he smoked, he still couldn't keep himself afloat. His dad was gone, he didn't come around. I guess he packed up and left this town. His love left without saying a word. She cheated and didn't care how bad it hurt. His heart was damaged and so was his brain. He started to feel like life was a strain. His mom loved him a whole lot, but she didn't know anything about the pot.  His self-medication didn't work. It couldn't fix his little quirks. And then his world came crashing down, Right outside this little town. They found him in a pool of blood, in a field, and covered in mud. The ambulance took him to the hospital, where they fixed him right up. But he still can only think about that speeding truck. So he found a doctor and said he was out of his mind, and the doctor wrote him a prescription to pass the time. To this day he still swallows those pills. To this day his mom struggles to pay his hospital bills. He says the pills take away some of the pain, but not the kind that's in his brain. He said he's a prisoner of his own mind. He's a prisoner there until the end of time.  Eighteen years old. She comes from a broken home. She's trying so hard to not be alone. Forty hours a week at $7.25, is barely enough to keep her alive. She has a baby on the way. She works so hard every single day. She wants to do it right. She's determined to give her baby a good life. She wants so much more, but she knows that's not always what's in store. Some nights she sits alone and cries, other nights she is thankful to be alive. She's scared and confused. Regardless, she takes the abuse. All because she needs that paycheck. She isn't really sure of what's going to happen next. She is doing her best to get by, but let's face the facts, her happiness is a lie. Her friends found better ways to occupy their time, because according to them, she's no long in her prime. So here she lays alone tonight, Wondering what to do with her life.  Seventeen years old. A teenage boy tossed into the cold. He's so young in such a strange place. He won't accept the lord's grace. He's angry, he's scared. He's completely unprepared. He met a girl, she was his world. She took his innocence, she broke his heart, she completely tore him apart. He picked his self up, like he learned how to do, but this time he bit off more than he could chew. His whole life he felt was a joke, and this time he knew he had choked. Time passes by and healed all his wounds, but the end of his suffering didn't come soon. He cried and screamed and wrote out his heartache, but when she left him, his dreams she did take. His heart had been hardened by the absence of love, now he was fragile like a dove. When the day came and he thought he could follow through, he tried and failed and his true friends proved, that they cared. more than he thought, they are the only thing that keeps him hanging on.  Seventeen years old. She sits all alone at home. She cries in her sleep. She dies in her dreams. She puts the gun to her head and wishes she was dead. but instead, She sits the weapon down and sobs and gasp. She can't remember the last time she laughed. Through the halls she remains invisible. But she thinks that this plan is completely sensible. She washes down her struggles with a bottle of jack. She prays for these feelings to leave and never come back. Such a bright girl, with such a bright future, everyone expects her to be applying sutures. No one really understands, she is tortured by her thoughts, when left in her own hands. She drags the razor across her skin. She begs God to take her in. Her cries are silent and usually ignored. All of her emotions are carefully stored. With nothing to lose, nothing to gain, She starts to ponder blowing out her brains. Or maybe tying a noose around her throat, and dangling freely as she chokes. She is nothing but miserable and a big mess. She knows everyone loves her less. She finally has lost all of her hope. Especially since her friends have ditched her for dope. So she lets the whiskey numb her agony and the blade make its marks. She knows what all of you do in the dark. She keeps herself together for today anyway. She tries to stay alive because she knows that everyone is in pain.


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