Probably the cutest damn thing that you never thought could actually happen
The longest journey
Is finding joy.
And it's hard to find
In one certain boy.
To use a cliche,
He's been through hell,
And things aren't going
To turn out well.
Everything is a trigger,
And no one cares.
All they do is snicker,
Laugh, mock, and stare.
The toughest journey
Is becoming a pearl.
And it's hard to do
For one certain girl.
Everything is gray,
Lukewarm, bleak;
Everywhere she goes
She feels like a freak.
Nothing can help her,
And no one cares.
Her heart just won't stir
Beneath the burden she bears.
The shortest journey
Is using an app.
But it takes a while
To filter out crap;
To sort all the singles,
As yes, no, or so-so.
No one there listens,
They just wanna blow.
But with two easy swipes,
The girl and the boy
Start to type type type,
Hoping for joy.
The strangest journey
Is the one to love.
They had seen it before,
Well... sort of.
The boy had baggage,
He had seen abuse.
Mistreatment was cruel,
His nightmares set loose.
The girl had seen love,
But never purely returned.
Now neither of the two
Desired to be burned.
The sweetest journey
Is growing together.
Though pasts were cruel,
They'll now endure any weather.
Through all the emotions,
The ups and the downs,
Strength was developed
With smiles and frowns.
Now the depressed bisexual
And victim of PTSD,
Have become quite incredible,
And most importantly, free.
The longest journey
Is finding joy.
It was so hard to find
For a girl and a boy.
Who would have thought
This fire's first cinder
Was only possible
...Because of Tinder.
As impossible as it's been,
Thank the gods
That through thick and thin,
We beat the odds!