Ask anyone what they value
and if they answer honestly
Something materialistic will come out
"How people see me.."
"The kind of car I drive.."
"How much money I have.."
Such a common thing in our world
To value something suceptible to change
Something that can be lost in an instant
People will always have opinions
No matter what kind of car you drive
or how much cash you flash
But what if they judge who you are?
"My skin is darker than yours."
"I prefer the same gender as my own."
"I have a learning disablity."
Who has the right to judge the type of person they are
Based on sexuality or race?
Based on education?
So what you're smarter?
So what our skin doesn't match?
So what a man like another man?
If you want someone to treat you the way a human should be treated
Than you need to take a step back
And look in the mirror
Because honey,
Any human would want
Fair treatment
No matter what they're IQ may be
Or the color from the color wheel that maybe on their body's
Or what happens behind closed doors.
If you can't put yourself before others
Then you don't deserve that fancy car
Or the false image you've created with material items.