Preserved in a Poem
I have found the story
Of a young girl who thought she knew the world,
Idealistic and overly-praised as she was,
Running free as her wild ocean eyes.
I have found the story
Of a twelve-year-old who lost herself trying to please others,
Optimistic and untouched by the world’s suffering,
Singing proudly because nobody told her that she was off-key.
I have found the story
Of a teenager wearing shorts that made her dad squirm,
Craving the thrills that would mark her as a true adolescent,
Yet craving the safety of innocence that she no longer had.
I have found the story
Of a college student who tried to leave her stories behind,
Who thought she lost her identity when she left her old friends,
A girl who finally found her future in her past.
I have found the story
Of all that I am;
My poems tame the sting of loss and memory,
And show me who I will become.