Please be Patient
you will probably never know what it's like to be a victim of your own mind
a prisoner of the chemistry within your bodyso, all I ask of you is please be patientyou may never feel the anxieties of catching someone's innocent glance and analyzing it to the point of insanity and insomniaor being so worried that you will mess something up you never even tryso please, be patientmaybe you will never fear for your own being, fear the pains in your heart may one day turn into pains in your wrists or out of a fit of panic and exhaustion lock away your pills so please, be patientI know it must not be easy for you to see me like thisand you don't understandbut baby, I need youso please, be patientI need you like that first gasp of air after holding my breathe underwateror the safety bar on a roller coaster for that first drop when it's the only thing holding me downkeeping me from fallingso please, baby, I know you deserve better but you are an addiction I can't quitplease, be patient