Playing to Please
"Between man and a woman"
is what my parents always said
"is what your marriage must be"
or, to us, you're dead
was the fine print
hidden beneath their Bible's words
they talk about being gay like it's some sort of curse
but little do they know that their precious girl, A.Y.
was getting hurt day by day as they said these lines
forcing sexuality like it's something you can choose
cause if you like the same sex, then game over, you lose
you're out the house, you're on your own, you can't see her again
Two years I've kept it hidden by saying she's my best friend
when in actuality, my heart belongs to her
yet these words I'm screaming out
have yet to be heard
so mom and dad, if you see this
this is what I'm saying
you can't choose who I love
I just cannot keep playing
this game of masks I've learned the rules to
oh so long ago
I'm tired of hiding behind these lies
it's time to let me show
I can't pretend to love someone
that you two choose for me
I'm tearing off this mask you gave
and for once, I'm feeling free