The Place We Used To Build Fires
The cold night
shining bright
The stars above
the wind, the sky
dark and everywhere
the sense of comfort
so perfect and surreal
the life i miss
the life for which i'd kill
my best friend
short and unkempt
her laughs, and yells
never failing to make me content
the life i had
the life i miss
it seems like something
you'd get from a wish
my eyes close
my breath slows
and on the memories i reflect
the silly stories
and camps backyard
as i see the moon
and i see the stars
i see the leaves
and i remember the life that used to be
a balance both parts
pain and joy
but reality wakes me
and bleakness hits
and im condemmned
to my monthly visits
to a new home strange and cold
as i leave the one place i could call my own
my false joy
and hope as well
as i sink further
into this hell
i see them then
a beaker of hope
and the light flows through
the pain never ceases
but somehow it eases
my calloused heart too
but its easier now
that i've met all of you