
So many photos that compliment your curves
until I compliment your curves..
"Swerve" you say
I've somehow fallen into a pool of not acknowledging your worth..

Was it a trap?
To see what I look for? "Word to the wise: 
what I look forward to, 
the eyes can't see.." You say..
but I can't see you say this,
while pouring all this sex appeal on our faces..
& believe me, you're overflowing, baby girl
I want you to show so much more,
but, hell, you're already over-showing, baby girl.
Truth is, you want me to crave those curves.
They drive me crazy & you ride along with it.
Because you're like me.
Persuaded by the physics..
& physics won't discuss this "imperceptible" idea you have..
You enjoy your hips ass much as I do
the way those leggings fit..
Lips lathered up & eyes too
I hate to point out the elephant in the room,
but, baby, you're just me.

A pervert

But I wonder.
Is it women's intuition
that lures some women into wishing
they looked better than the next?
when men enter, wishing the same thing,
that splits the mind of these women in two..
"wishing he would try to say something like this again.."

Then again, is he so wrong?
Is she so right?
Dear, Snow Whites,
you fall victim to having an apple (bottom) that looks good
not knowing you're so beautiful ass is..oh, *as is..
So, be you to full extent.
Full extensions down your back won't back up that pretty soul you got there.

This poem is about: 
My community
My country
Our world



Wow, wonderful poem. It is filled with such strong emotions. By the way, if you need help with literature essay, got to :)


Thank you


This is an amazing and informative article that covers so much ground. 

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