Personal Spirituality
I am me
A human being, he made me be
In this world I play the game of life
Not as easy as the board game, but that's alright
Something so complex, with its annual 4 seasons
We often find ourselves searching for reason
Most will pin it to something they can't quite understand
I pin it to God, that dude made man
Through the Bible, I become closer to the lord
But in playing it good, one gets a little bored
The devil, the true master of temptation
Evil deeds causing the corruption of our nation
The world itself is really Satan's playground
The home to man, that god created and found
A trial almost, Of you finding your best
To get to the afterlife when being put to rest
Indeed I fail and get caught up in this great blue sphere
However, I get back on track, as I know God is here
A soul, something much greater than the body
It's what actually matters over any secular hobby
A true connection to a great and higher power
Better than our current state that constantly needs a shower
I find it funny, the tool for our existence, is also our biggest downfall
The mind, the heart, the body, all temptation
Yet they've been with me since creation
Yet so has the soul and I try to keep it pure,
However I fall, with each new experience I endure
I keep in mind this place right here, is a temporary dome
I'll soon be gone and hopefully return home
All of our dates, they're really just nonsense
Except judgment day, the test of the conscience
I'd like to one day go higher
To be an angel, I hopefully aspire
But for now I am still me
A human he made me be