To some it may have seemed like I was doing nothingness -
that I was not open enough to come to it -
that I was lonely and I was fronting,
but truthful when it comes to this;
I desperately needed space to move from this place.
I desperately wanted you to stay, to comfort my old ways,
to defend who I truly am,
but I didn’t want to be in your way..
so I gave it space.
It may have looked as if I was running from it; but when in reality
I stayed steadfast in it.
I’m ever changing, but nothings changing, when it comes to my loyalty;
I’m everlasting in it.
I’ve been cancelled out by several “friends”, but I had to get past it.
I’m far above average, so I can’t trip on what’s average.
I stayed still and minded own my business for a while,
because you know time heals.
But if you’d allow,
me to take you on this journey,
the ups,
and the downs,
I promise you’d never disrespect my mind or my time again.
Until then, can you accept the fact that I’m woman enough to let you in, ..?
Into my mental, hardly ever my physical, because I’m too spiritual.
Though it’s underneath my underline craze,
but that’s okay
I know it’s why you Krave Kay.