People are just People
People are just people
who are people regardless
of their color,
I just found this out.
They have their likes
and dislikes
disinterests and passions.
Some are simple
many are complex
lots are mean
ole' nasty selfish bigots
and powerful spokemen
and women.
They shouldn't just be constrained
by stereotypes or roles created in society
or guidelines on how to act as humans.
They shouldn't be given a spread sheet
on what to say or how to be.
they should be free
as unlimited as the sky is
not cooped up in captivity.
There shouldn't be boundaries
to the human imagination.
There will be people who live
different or weird lifestyles
from my own,
they will share views not of my own
but i should respect their
fundamentals on being human
as I do my own.