Hope deferred makes the heartsick
Toxins of hurt and shame permeating
Leaving fuels of carnal residue
Where pride flicks its presence and magnifies it all
Pushing us over boundaries down Sin’s hole
No wonder they say that Pride comes before a fall
Brokenness is existence; there is a need for it to be fixed
But silence cuts off divine flow
Administering repetitions of mocking pain
While piercing comfort and patronize lies
Sedate your soul
Distorting divine vision in your eyes
So high… wave greetings to pseudo satisfactions
As reality is locked behind tinted glasses of denial
Fortressed behind blinding fantasies
But conviction shatters it quickly
Standing there motionless before God like a witness on Trial
Plea mercy to the Judge and angelic jury
Face reality that is caused by internal fury
That assistance is needed from a spiritual venue
To obtain help from Patience, who instills her caring virtue
Focused she is ready to go
Calvary shots that remind me of my reality
That His blood allows us to be free
Withdraw painfully from hardened woes…
And stand Snow White clean
A message for all, to thy own self be true
Will patience be non-existence or display divine virtue
That lies within you?