The Past, The Present, and The Future
I am from the crowded hallways that seem to never end,
from the suburban of the city that never sleeps.
I am from the house that is now full,
the one that is now forever complete
with all the puzzle pieces intact.
I am from the sharing of toys,
the sharing of birthdays,
the sharing of happiness.
From the early morning cartoons
to the dreams of becoming like those heroes
on the huge twelve inch television screen.
I’m from the hands held
and the crying outside of bathroom doors
with the fear of being left alone.
I am from the long car ride,
to a new unfamiliar place.
The one that led to the present.
I’m from the coloring underneath of coffee tables
to the countless hours of playing with dolls
to the haircuts given to rocking horses.
From the holidays spent with those I love
with a never ending support system in place.
I am from the months spent at a desk,
the knowledge gained,
and the relationships that are built.
From the countless days spent in the theater,
with true appreciation
for all of its components.
I am from the battle's lost
to the mountains conquered
and to the continuous cycle of trial and error.
I am from one place that embodies them all: