Passing Perfection for Peace
Shining, Shimmering
As far as the eye can see
Walls as high as the sky
Topped with silky white foam
The calming sloshing sounds of the ocean
The aroma of the sea
Salt water adn Sea weed
The sweet, sweet aroma
Slowing the heart beat
Calming the nerves
Shapes the size of toy boats
Bobble along the surface
At least peacful on the surface
More lays beneith the surface
As such is the way of life
All seems well
We put on a face
A mask
We hide our hardshipand trouble
We hide our feelings tollok strong
The desire to have a perfect looking life
Is a desire that has a high price
It ruins our hearts
Inside we are screaming
Needing help
Our pride stops us
Our fear of rejection
Fear of being socially out cast
Stops us
A dream of perfection
Perfection ruins us
Perfection is our natural enimy
Why strive for perfection?
Why want something that destroys you?
Why not go for slightly flawed?
Why not just be yourself?
Perfection is not your friend
Accept who you are
Only then will life tryely be good
Then you will be peaceful inside and out
Pass perfecion for peace