Pap Who
Pap Who
Pap who needs Pepsi like a meth addict
And sits on his couch all day
Who is fried bologna and potato chips
Who is a quiet mouse but yet a wise owl.
Whose hair has gone missing
Who has only one real leg
Who tells me I can be anything
And inspires me to reach for the moon
Whose nose looks like a parrot beak
And is scrawny as a beanpole.
Who loves fishing at the dam
Can never sleep- too much caffeine to wind down
Who used to come visit me a lot
Is old and fearful of the outside world
Is attached to his home like a tick on a dog.
Is funny yet serious
Doesn’t golf much anymore
Is never seen without a baseball cap
Who builds birdhouses fit for an elephant
Who has basically adopted the neighbor boy
Who wears jeans and a button up everyday
Who would do anything to help you
Who love the sounds of spring and the sunsets of fall
Will sit on his front porch every morning feeding stray dogs and cats
Who will listen without judgment
Wondering what will come next
And what to do who?