Paint Me Straight


United States
33° 52' 29.8524" N, 117° 57' 57.2544" W


Paint me straight so I don’t make you look bad in front of your church/

Paint me straight so I don’t get expelled for kissing my girlfriend/

Slather up the paint because if they see color they’ll tell me it’s immoral/

If they see color they’ll tell me it’s sick wrong dirty/

If they see color they’ll threaten tell me I got what I deserved

When I get attacked on the streets for holding hands


My school tells me they’re anti -bullying/

But the last kid that got pushed out of the closet got pushed out of the class/

My friends tell me they support me

But say “that’s so gay” every day and are distinctly uncomfortable when I

mention my prefrences/

My family tells me they’re accepting people/

But participates in the protests against me and tell me I can’t associate with my

best friend/

Because I might catch the queer from her/

Well guess what Dad, I already have it/

I have so much and it’s so bright that I’m surprised you haven’t seen it


I’m sorry that gender doesn’t factor into the equation/

When I have feelings for someone I don’t care what they're packing/

"But wait does that mean you’re just gay?” /

“But wait I bet you’re actually straight.”/

Pretty sure I know what what makes me happy better than you

Better than your imaginary superhero/

The one that throws fire and brimstone at the people you don’t like/

The one that gives you an excuse to discriminate against me/

That lets you tell me who to marry how to live my life/

I don’t think God gives a fuck who is screwing who/

He cares about the situation with your soul not the situation in your pants


But I can’t say any of this to my family/

I can’t tell them it hurts seeing their disgusted faces when two men kiss on TV/

I can’t tell them it hurt when they forced me into that Christian school/

Into a situation where I can’t fight back after being attacked/

Where I’m the butt of every joke that comes from those kids’ mouths/

Where I’m a lesson from teachers on what not to be/

I can’t mention that sometimes it fills me with such anxiety I feel like I can’t breathe/

I can’t mention the fact that I used to cry myself to sleep/

Convinced I was a monster, that Jesus hated me/

I can’t talk about where those scars on my body really came from/

I can’t talk about those pills I hid in case it got to be too much/


Maybe I wouldn’t feel broken if you just showed you'd still love me/

That you wouldn’t kick me out when I tell you I’m pansexual/

But all your actions so far have been to the contrary/

And that’s why I just keep layering paint/



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