The unmistakable feeling of pain
The good pain
The bad pain
The unwanted pain
Yeah,i like pain
I also hate pain
The pain that is inflicted from others is the pain that i despise
The pain inflicted from myself is the pain i live for
The pain that keeps me going
That keeps me alive
I must sound quite insane
Hey,im not far from it
Everyday im pushed closer and closer to the edge of the cliff
The cliff of mental instablity
I laugh in the faces of people who lead lives of boring repetitve episodes.
That is not what life is about
Not at all what life is about
Or at least not for the self diagnosed insane girl
A girl who'd rather sit in the darkness of an ally than in the lightness of an open field
A girl who'd rather talk to the voices in her head than the people sitting right in front of her
This girl
Some people may have seen her around
Walking with the crowd
Head held high
What is she wearing?
A mask.
A mask to hide her feelings
A mask to hide behind in order to be safe
But when she is at home
All alone in her bedroom,her thoughts become alive
Her thoughts become deadly
Her thoughts start to push her
Push her past the point of insanity
The point where her thoughts tell her that as soon as she inflicts pain,they will leave her alone
and she wants to be left alone
and so it begins
She inflicts the pain upon her sellf
Crimson regret slowly leaks down her arm,making stains on the floor
Her vision begins to blur
Her head becomes light
and she finally fades into the darkness
The voices are gone.