Our Generation
Our generation
one with no hope
kids who will
grow old
and will probably still be
“twerking" on walls
smoking ecigs and hookahs in halls
shoplifting from malls
still probably using *67 to make obscene phone calls
Our generation
There is no hope
with these half naked girls
who have no respect for themselves
see thats the thing with females
the way they dress like they do
and ya’ll all seem to freak out
when a guy “hollers at you”
but that doesn't make sense
you can’t actually think you look beautiful
Our generation
the one with no hope
I took a break from this poem
got on instagram
to find a picture of a blunt
and Im going to be blunt
you are a dumb…
the kid who “lives in the sky”
but when you go to apply
I hope that they see
I hope they see all of your flights
Like Miles Hodges said
how can you trust a guy who's eyes
go from green to gone in one night
Thank you, youtube, facebook,twitter, tumblr, Instagram,
for partially ruining our lives
for letting us give you almost all of our time
most of our day spent online, thank you
Welcome, to our generation