On the Other Side of Land of The Free...
America. Land of the free home of the brave... for a few.
A country founded on "All Men Are Created Equal"... Not true.
Where the color of your skin can get you killed.
Where a son can wake up to his father being alive one minute, and the next minute he could be dead... it's unreal.
Where a protest can become a riot because the hurt and pain of losing another black man causes so much anger and heartache.
Where some of the people that are supposed to protect us leave our families with heartbreak.
Where I am in fear for my life just when walking down the street.
Where there are thousands of people without something to eat.
America.... I just want some peace.
But what is a country without its people?
So, Americans... please stop the madness... hate does nothing but divides us, and systematic oppression is still prevalent for thousands.
I just want peace.
I want to see no more of my people dead in the streets at the hands of a gun...or a few bad police.