Up or Down?
When I woke up the other day
I had no idea where I was going to stay
In fact I didn't even know where I was
I still felt I had some sort of buzz
I realized that I was going nowhere
I could only dream of being a millionaire
But then I realized I could do something
I can be anything and that kept me wondering
Does it hurt to take chances?
I have tried and failed at many romances
So yes, It does hurt to take a chance
But then what would life be without a stance
I woke up this morning with no intention
But I gave myself an intervention
I may have just found hope in this life
I could shake off this feeling of strife
The world has a whole new light I have never seen
You just need to open up your mind and pull down the screen
Why you will find that this life is very awesome
Let yourself go and your mind will blossom