An Optimist in Love
If I believe my parents have deceived me
And that love can happen for the most ordinary of people
That it can be untainted by hatred swept under the rug
Then I've got the wedding vows written in my head already
The words "I always knew I'd find you" come to mind
Not because I'll know your name
But because I'd expect nothing less than you
You are not an umbrella
Because you feel the rain with me
Holding my hand
You are the funniest joke I've ever heard
The kind that gets funnier every time you hear it
The kind that makes you smile through tears
You love me when I don't love myself
You hold me when I isolate myself
You make me a better person because I want to be the type of person who deserves to be loved
By myself and by you
Our love is the first dollar of a paycheck
It reminds us that we're going somewhere
And we will fight
Oh, we will fight
But our love will be a loud whisper
Gently reminding us what we will always have
Tell me "Because I love you, we are better"
And that's all the "because" we need