Optimisation Techniques
Paid the interior penalty
With references to working principle
Back on track now working on mobility
To achieve peak conditionality
Droppin' pipe bombs lyrically
Finished with strategic methodology
Omit Limited
Mention available
Cracking algorithm of the institution
Admitted to ways of generic destitution
Application of exhaustive programming till optimisation
Learned the fuzzy concept of operation
Coding variables of maximisation
To break walls of limitation
Ain't no darkness,when she isn't around
Sombre lullaby of pearl kissed moonlight
Released model of extreme gradient
Tossed recharge into will's constraint
Mankind tore hood of fiend
Made peace with soul to be a listener
Gathering ammo to be a good listener
Had a different tone
Complexities buzzed around like drone
Was susceptible to buzz killer
Now to calm water,I'm prone