An open letter to my immigrant parents
Queridos Mamá y Papá,
I understand that you do not know English
So I will write to you in Spanish.
Finalmente me estoy graduando.
I am finally graduating.
Sé que te sientes orgulloso y finalmente todo está dando sus frutos.
I know that you feel proud and everything is finally paying off.
Después de años de sacrificar tu felicidad por mi bien.
After many years of sacrificing your happiness for my wellness.
Lloro lágrimas de felicidad por el amor y el cuidado que me has brindado.
I cry tears of happiness for the love and care you have given me.
Y Todo está bien.
But everything is not ok.
Madre, gracias por todo, por enseñarme a ser mujer y estar lista para el mundo.
Mother, it pains me everyday when I smell the Clorox from your hands and washed out t-shirt
Y padre, gracias por estar conmigo y nunca darse por vencido mis suenos.
Father, it pains me everyday when I see your geased stained, calloused hands and dirty uniform.
Voy a tener éxito. Lo prometo.
I cry everyday before I go to college because I know that you will work even harder for me to succeed in life.
Voy a cuidar todo desde aquí. No se preocupan.
I will go to college in debt, but no amount of debt can compare to years of labor that you did for me.
Gracias por todo, mi familia inmigrante.
For that reason, I will work and you will not stop me.