One True King
I was one in the dark, you know?
Following a pace
Destruction was its face
Tall and Slim
Dark and Grim
Too much to care.
The light
Was too fair
My itchy ears
Was the gear
As my feet
Swift to steer
Clear from the light.
Followed the sound of my voice you know?
Though it all lies
How could I despise,
When it was I?
It was my own
In the pit...
How could I quite lies?
Too far to be out
Too small a voice
To shout, I thought, you know?
As I tripped,
My eyes caught
The clear light
What I thought was past life.
Golden and Green
Bright it seemed
It is.
I no longer wanted to hear
I want to steer clear
Of the light
But my feet was not working right.
Though I heard in my spite
The words
That I was fright
"I love you"
"Don't turn from me now"
"Did you not hear this great sound?"
My heart said once
Thunder over head.
Darkness was my bed.
I need you to help me
One True King
Take me to your bosom
To your rest
I confess
You know.
As a flower to a bee.
Your a nectar.
Sweeter than a honeycomb.
My life is now pro-founded
Now it's my turn to announce it.
I won't turn from you again
One True King
My strong tower
My hope
My faith
My light
My love
My God.