That one special boy
You say you are done your over him
But at the end memories comes back.
You try your best to ignore it
But you can’t
You remember the feeling you had in your heart
The big ass smile you had on your face
Then you start to miss it
All of a sudden
That little moment of joy disappears
And you get this pain in your heart
You get that feeling in your stomach
You panic and whisper to yourself
Don’t cry, don’t cry
You are over him
But it’s too late
Tears just start pouring out uncontrollably
Then you just keep crying
And here comes the memories again
When you had this special feeling in your heart
Your big ass smile
Then you see his smile
And the tears comes more harder and harder
Your heart feels as if it is broken
They don’t call it heartbreak ironically
Then when the tears start to slow down
And you just start to think
What could I have done?
How could of I fixed it?
But then you remember the main problems that made him leave you
Painful tears start to fall down
Then you look over in the dark laying on your bed
And you stare off and try to imagine
How happy you would have been if you and him
Got back together again
Then you say to yourself I can’t get over him
I’m not done
You yell and get frustrated with yourself and insult yourself
Why am I so stupid!
Why me?
You take a deep breath in and out
You lay back down look up at the ceiling
And think to yourself
I wonder if he loves me as much as I love him?
Does he cry when he thinks about me?
You take a deep breath in and out
and sign
roll over
and cry yourself to sleep
and right before you doze off
you realize the saddest thing is
the one boy you love the most
hurt you the most