One "Hello" a Day
From the very start, I've always had this problem.
I have a hard time greeting people.
I was never the best with words.
Nor was I ever the best with expressing myself.
Do you know how important it is to acknowledge someone?
To just say, "hello"?
I wish I knew.
Growing up, I would always cry about how lonely I felt.
I was weak, sensitive and shy.
By the time I was a teenager, I became overly sensitive about the fact that my parents wouldn't greet me or talk to me anymore.
I felt....useless.
I remember the day my father called me into his office.
He told me, "why don't you ever smile?"
I couldn't answer him.
I didn't know what to say.
He was crying with angry, broken eyes.
At that moment I realized how much I've hurt him as well.
All I had to do was take a second each day once I got home from school to greet him.
But I didn't.
I hurt him, and that's something I regret deeply... for instead of realizing this, I kept blaming him for not greeting me, even though I also didn't take the step to greet him.
Just one simple, "hello".
That's all I had to do.
You see, as humans, it's natural for people to blame others for our mistakes.
It's about time I take responsibility for myself.
We have only one life to live...
so why waste it?
All in all, what I'm trying to say is...
If I were to change one thing in my life right now,
it would be to love my parents, family and friends the way everyone deserves to be loved.
I don't want to be afraid anymore.
I want to have the power to greet others openly.
To look them in the eye without fear.
To tell them I love them.
To acknowledge their existence.
Because for my 17 years here on Earth, I have lived a life many wish they could have.
And for my parents, they've lived more than double of my life just to someday raise a family of their own.
The day I can look in the eyes of my parents and tell them I love them without the fear of them not saying it back will be one of the days worth living for.
There is a difference between living and surviving.
I want to embrace the life I'm living...
Because someday my life will flash before my eyes...
I want it to be worth watching.
In the end, my set goal is to greet my parents at least once a day.
Because I know one day they'll be gone.
Hello Mom and Dad!
I just want to say...
I love you.