Once Upon an Ending
Once upon an Ending the Earth fell on my shoulders
as if I was Atlas carrying the whole world
The sky shattered like glass on to my skin
making scars deeper than they have been
I question why things had to be this way
why I cleaned every single day
why I couldn't escape from the torture that my stepsisters gave me
Why fate kept me locked behind bars
Once upon an ending
People said things will get better
but truth is I found out that there will be no fairy godmothers to get you to the ball
no magic lamps that can grant all wishes
no power wands that can destroy the pain
I had to do things my way
Two days and three nights
to prepare for the greatest fright that my sisters would get
Calling all the birds and mice
to make me a dress that would make me look the best
at the one ball that could change all
Once upon an ending
the party was just getting started
with a stab in each sisters' heart
Leaving the final mark on my step mothers chest
A mark that avenged my parent's death
Once upon an ending
Freedom began to sing
Make way for the new queen
For the prince would be my next victim