Oh, The Things I Could Say
I'm told by many
That don't even know me
That I need to be more tolerant.
See, the thing is,
I don't believe in abortions,
I don't believe in gay marraige,
I don't believe women have the "right" to free birth control,
I don't believe someone should be punished if they don't want healthcare.
I would like to hold my opinions in peace.
Modern media makes that impossible.
They take their way of thinking
and make ot the only way of thinking.
Anybody who doesn't fit their mold
Is a terrible human being.
I am a female.
My absolute best friend is gay.
I'm sorry that you want to have sex with no repercussions.
Never have I said that I don't tolerate something.
Why don't these poeple take their own advice
And tolerate
Other's opinions.