Oh teacher
Oh teacher oh teacher
I look at you and see you
And you look at yourself and see a god
You see someone who thinks they are above everyone else
You make this place your dark castle and whoever questions you is shot down
You look at these students think so low of them
You look at them and think that you are always right
Because you are always right, right?
You are never wrong, right?
You think you are the shining one
The one that’s always in charge
Well yes you are the teacher
But does that mean you are a god?
Does that mean you mustn’t be questioned?
No, no, no
Oh teacher oh teacher
Don’t you see?
This is a place for questions
This isn’t a place where you are always right
You are not perfect and neither are the students
You must tear down your dark castle
Your students are not ignorant you know?
Some of these students will do great things one day I know it
But when they remember you they will either forget you or see you as the monster you are
Is that how you want to be remembered?
If you want to be remembered you have to change your ways
You must admit you're wrong when you’re wrong
When you give all this homework
And ask why you didn’t do it
You must remember this isn’t their only class
And remember that these students not only have other classes
But a life outside of school
Oh teacher oh teacher
I hope you know see the error of your ways
and that know you will change your ways
Tear down that dark castle
and help these students achieve greatness
After all
Thats what teachers are for