Oh Pinocchio
Oh Pinocchio, You say you miss me too
But I know you don't when I look at you
And thing is that I never get a chance to look
You make no time for me because that's what "friends" do.
I'm always there to help you, and I can't bear to see you happy without me.
With every excuse, your nose gets bigger and I can't quite seem to figure out why
I run back to you.
Someone who's hard, wooden, and cold how could I ever expect you to have a soul
I forgave you for every lie you've told, and you're unaware.
I don't say anything because I know you won't care.
Gradually over time I don't get so hung up about you but when I do
It feels like I'm going through a war I'm not winning and there's so many
Causalities, so don't you ever ask me how I'm doing.
Unless you want to hear that I'm sore, tore, and just came back from a mental war.
Oh, Pinocchio you just don't know.